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Top 10 Best 2 Drop Humans in Mono White MTG
Two-drops may not get the same fanfare as bombastic legends or game-ending sorceries, but they’re the workhorses of Commander, quietly carrying your strategies to victory. So, let’s give these...
Top 10 Best 1 Drop Humans in Mono White MTG
In the fast-paced world of Commander, every card slot counts. But amidst the flashy legends and explosive spells, don’t overlook the humble 1-drop creature. These tiny titans, costing a mere single...
The Best Dragons for The Ur-Dragon Commander Deck
The UR-Dragon demands a strong selection of dragons that impact the board state not only through token generation or combat effects. But also dragons that provide utility, such as a source of protection...
The Best Elves for Lathril, Blade of Elves Commander Deck
Lathril, Blade of the Elves needs elves that buff each other or create tokens to suffice her last ability causing each opponent to lose ten life. Combat damage is the first win condition in her strategy,...
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