
Revisiting Jason Alt’s “8 Simple Rules”: A Deep Dive into Casual Commander in 2024

In the annals of Commander history, few articles hold the same weight as Jason Alt’s 2014 opus, “8 Simple Rules for Playing in My Commander Group.” This unassuming manifesto, published on, struck a chord with countless players, myself included. It offered a beacon of clarity in the sometimes-murky waters of casual Commander, laying down principles of fun, respect, and balance that resonated deeply.

Nearly a decade later, Commander has exploded in popularity and complexity. The format’s landscape has shifted dramatically, with optimized powerhouses battling alongside jank-tastic brews and everything in between. Yet, Alt’s “8 Simple Rules” remain surprisingly relevant, serving as a timeless cornerstone for fostering healthy and enjoyable Commander experiences.

But how do these eight nuggets of wisdom translate to the Commander landscape of 2024? Let’s delve into each rule, dissecting its current-day application and exploring the nuances that have emerged over the years.

Rule 1: Scalable Spells for a Balanced Battlefield

In 2014, this rule urged players to consider the power level of their opponents’ decks when choosing removal and board wipes. This remains crucial. Today’s format boasts decks capable of explosive turn 3 wins, while others plod through the game assembling intricate combos. A blanket Wrath of God might be necessary against the former but crushing for the latter. Understanding the spectrum of power levels and tailoring your interaction accordingly is key.

Rule 2: Gradual Growth, Not Downsizing Dominance

The spirit of this rule holds true, but the context has evolved. Today’s Commander boasts staples and archetypes that offer significantly more power than in 2014. Instead of simply “improving your deck,” consider the concept of “strategic upgrades.” Focus on adding impactful cards that open new avenues for your deck, rather than simply bolting on generic powerhouses. This preserves the delicate balance within your playgroup, preventing any one deck from becoming a perennial champion.

Rule 3: Power with a Pinch of Chaos

This rule encourages embracing the inherent chaos of Commander. Don’t get caught in the trap of optimizing for consistency at the expense of fun. Inject a healthy dose of unpredictable cards and strategies into your deck. Unexpected interactions and wacky combos add spice to the game and create unforgettable moments. Remember, Commander is about more than just winning; it’s about creating shared stories and memories.

Rule 4: Threat Assessment, Not Just Card Counting

While card advantage remains a powerful tool, this rule reminds us that it’s not the only factor to consider. Identify the actual threat each player poses, taking into account their board state, potential combos, and political alliances. A seemingly innocuous token swarm can be more dangerous than a stacked hand of draw spells if not dealt with promptly. Remember, Commander is a political game, and understanding the dynamic landscape is key to making wise decisions.

Rule 5: Rules Lawyering with a Light Touch

Understanding the rules is vital, but don’t become the fun police. This rule encourages prioritizing a smooth and enjoyable game experience over technical minutiae. While adhering to the core rules is essential, be flexible and willing to bend them slightly if it enhances the experience for everyone. Remember, Commander is a social game, and fostering a positive atmosphere is paramount.

Rule 6: Leave the Salt Shaker at Home

This rule might seem obvious, but its importance cannot be overstated. Commander is a casual format, meant for relaxation and enjoyment. Don’t let losses define your mood or fuel negativity. Embrace the spirit of camaraderie, congratulate your opponents’ victories with sincerity, and most importantly, laugh at your own mistakes. Remember, a bad game never justifies a bad attitude.

Rule 7: Play Your Song, Not Someone Else’s Tune

Resist the siren song of netdecks and meta trends. This rule encourages building decks that reflect your own personality and playstyle. Experiment, take risks, and embrace the joy of brewing your own unique creation. A deck that embodies your passion is far more rewarding than one piloted on autopilot. Remember, Commander is about self-expression, not simply copying the best.

Rule 8: Just a Game, After All

This final rule reminds us to keep things in perspective. A Commander game is just that – a game. Don’t let losses ruin your day or strain your relationships. Remember the true value lies in the shared experience, the laughter, the strategizing, and the memories forged around the table. Ultimately, Commander is about connecting with friends, not achieving competitive dominance.

Closing Out: Building a Thriving Playgroup Beyond the Rules

Alt’s rules offer a solid foundation, but fostering a healthy and vibrant Commander playgroup requires more than just that. Feel free to check out steps in having the tough conversation here to further develop your group.

Follow this series to see a deep dive on all of Alt’s Rules in the weeks to come.

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