Two-drops may not get the same fanfare as bombastic legends or game-ending sorceries, but they’re the workhorses of Commander, quietly carrying your strategies to victory. So, let’s give these unsung heroes their due, here are the best 2 drop white humans in Commander.
10. Drannith Magistrate
Drannith Magistrate and Tocatli Honor Guard, do you enjoy locking out your opponents? Then, these two cards were made for you. Watch their game plans crumble with just these two two-drop humans. These are a must-have in any type of stax strategy.
9. Imposing Sovereign
Imposing Sovereign, has the same effect as Blind Obedience except without the extort mechanic. This card is premium in any strategy that requires you to swing in with your creatures.
8. Containment Priest
Containment Priest, now we are getting into the really good humans. Containment Priest locks out combo decks that require effects like Tooth and Nail, Genesis Wave, or almost any reanimating strategy.
7. The Anti Graveyard Crew
Apostle of Purifying Light, Sanctifier en-Vec and Sungold Sentinel, are all the best two drop graveyard hate humans. Graveyard hate cards should be easy to cast and under two mana, so these are perfect. You should only run them if your playgroup has a lot of reanimating abilities. I would keep these readily available for your flex spots in your commander deck.
6. Charming Prince
Dawnbringer Cleric and Charming Prince, these are your flexible humans. If you don’t know what you need from your two drop humans, run these while you figure it out. They will always do something beneficial on the board regardless of the game state.
5. The Anti Artifact / Enchantment Crew
Dauntless Dismantler, Cathar Commando, and Westfold Rider, if you need the most optimal removal in a human deck for artifacts, enchantments, or both, these are the best of the best.
4. Bounty Agent
Bounty Agent, oh man, talk about some premium removal in Commander, where most cards are legendary. She can answer these legendary permanents at any time as long as you can tap her. I always run her in any white creature strategy as she is the most convenient for her cost.
3. Knight of the White Orchid
Knight of the White Orchid and Ambitious Farmhand alot of people say white doesn’t have suitable ramp! Let’s prove them wrong with these two. Getting a plains onto the battlefield or to your hand is good enough for not being in green.
2. The Anti Spell Crew
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Grand Abolisher and Coppercoat Vanguard are very good against your spell slinger, counter magic having opponents. They both will make your opponents groan as you throw a wrench in their strategy of keeping you in check. Run these if you are having a rough time with opponents having a lot of spell-based removals or countermagic. Otherwise, I would rather have some of the other two drop humans listed above and below.
1. Thalia’s Lieutenant
Thalia’s Lieutenant and Intrepid Adversary, it turns out that these two creatures can close out an entire game by themselves. Run these if you need a closer in the two drop slot and are mainly in a human-based or creature-based strategy in which you can benefit from their effects.