Choosing the right three drops for your deck is crucial. Consider your commander’s strategy, mana curve, and overall theme. But never underestimate the power of these versatile creatures. They can be the missing puzzle piece, the game-changing swing, the unsung heroes that turn the game in your favor.
10. Thalia, Heretic Cathar
Thalia, Heretic Cathar, do you enjoy setting your opponents behind? Then, this card was made for you. Thalia punishes the greedy dual-land players and creature-based decks.
9. Militia Bugler
Militia Bugler has almost the same effect, where airlift chaplain doesn’t restrict you to humans and increases the mana value of the creature from two to three. Both of these let you dig further in the deck so you can keep up the momentum of your deck.
8. Verge Rangers
Verge Rangers are a solid options to keep you from falling behind on land drops. A valuable option if you run a low amount of land or have a fear of falling behind your opponents.
7. Mentor of the Meek
Mentor of the Meek, if you are playing a mono-white human deck, this is a premium card draw creature. Mentor of the Meek only cares if the creature was created or cast as long as it enters the battlefield and you pay one mana. I run this card if I need to fill in spots in the card draw section of my commander deck as the effect is repeatable for every creature that enters the battlefield.
6. Loran of the Third Path
Loran of the Third Path, are your best three drop enchantment and artifact removal humans. Loran also has inherit card draw. She has a REPEATABLE CARD DRAW EFFECT.
5. Extraction Specialist
Extraction Specialist, go ahead and review The Top 10 Best 1 Drop Humans in Mono White MTG and The Top 10 Best 2 Drop Humans in Mono White MTG. Are you back? Ok. YOU NEED TO RUN THIS CARD! Recursion effects early in the game that give you some type of utility effect, such as card draw, is how you win Commander.
4. The Clean Up Crew
Banisher Priest, Fiend Hunter, and Mangara of Corondor, oh man, let’s talk about some OG removal in Commander. Banisher Priest and Fiend Hunter do the same thing, so having both in your deck is good because it is REDUNDANT. Mangara is a little more specific if you are playing against indestructible noncreature permanents.
3. Boromir, Warden of the North / Frontline Medic
Boromir, Warden of the Tower, this card is such good protection against board wipes. Boromir does it a bit better and helps against those pesky free spells like deadly rollick.
2. Adeline, Resplendent Cathar
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar, talk about the best token generating three drop human in commander. She also buffer herself for every creature you control. Talk about getting HUGE very fast and game ending with a couple of combat phases.
1. Ranger-Captain of Eos / Recruiter of the Guard
Ranger-Captain of Eos , TUTOR EFFECTS WIN COMMANDER GAMES! They seriously do, but they also provide tempo for your gameplan so you can search for the perfect creature you need at any given time.