
The Best Zombies for Wilhelt, the Rot Cleaver Commander Deck

Card Draw In Any Zombie Deck

Why These Cards Synergize With Wilhelt

Midnight Reaper

Sample Hands

Token Generation In Any Zombie Deck

Why These Cards Synergize With Wilhelt

Sample Hands

Removal In Any Zombie Deck

Why These Cards Synergize With Wilhelt

Sample Hands

Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver EDH deck offers an incredibly fun and versatile experience. The unique blend of reanimating zombies and exploiting their various abilities creates a dynamic and engaging playstyle. The thrill of bringing back zombies from the graveyard, each with their own unique abilities and synergies, never gets old. Wilhelt himself serves as a pivotal piece in this undead puzzle, enhancing the deck’s reanimation theme and adding an extra layer of strategy.

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